Individuals wishing to support Aurora Fire District may send a check or drop off a check/money to Aurora Fire. Checks shall be made out to Aurora Fire District and under memo read Donation.
Aurora Fire District - Aurora Station
21390 Main Street NE
Aurora, Oregon 97002
Vehicle donation
Aurora Fire District regularly uses vehicle for Extrication Training. If you are interested in donating a vehicle to the Aurora Fire District, please fill out the form for Aurora Fire to contact you.
House Donation
Aurora Fire District uses residential structures for destructive training. We burn structures in their entirety or conduct exercises that include breaking down doors and cutting holes into roofs and walls. This type of training is invaluable to your local firefighters and can not be replicated on the training ground. Burning a structure can significantly reduce the amount of demolition debris needing to be removed from the site. You may also be eligible for a tax benefit, which is dependent on your specific situation and should be verified with your tax specialist. If you are intrested in donating a house to the Aurora Fire District, please fill out the form for Aurora Fire to contact you.